Thursday, January 25, 2007


Astair your glare is killing me
Astair in skies of blue
The signs you wear are making me
So confused
But the mountains and the trees
Are they just what you need
Or are they less than what
You'd expect to see
And if you're leaving well come
Give me reason why I let you down
Before you turn around now now
Before you turn around

Astair you're there and I'm still here
I swear I'm so confused
The signs you wear are making me
Feel like I'm the one to lose
But the canyons and the seas
Are they just what you need
Or are they less than what
You'd expect to see
And if you're leaving well come
Give me reason why I let you down
Before you turn around now, now
Before you turn around

But the mountains and the trees
Are they what you perceive
Or are they less than what
You'd expect to see
And if you're leaving well come
Give me reason why I let you down
Before you turn around now, now
Before you turn around
Matt Costa

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Pequenas coisas

O quentinho do sol na cara, sentada na varanda
A manteiga a derreter na torrada
Um capuccino com natas em vez da espuma nhanhosa
Canudos que me aparecem no cabelo sem fazer por isso
Ovos escalfados com ervilhas
Perneiras às riscas
O cheirinho a lareira na rua numa noite fria
Sapatos com forro fofinho roxo e malas com interior às cores
Um beijinho de boa-noite quando já estou deitada na cama
Sabonetes de menta
"Banana parties"
Botas novas e super giras

Aquela foto que só de olhar para ela, faz lembrar tudo o que foi
Uma mensagem inesperada e um encontro de acaso
Um sorriso e um miminho quando é preciso e até quando não é
Não preciso de assim tanto para ficar feliz...